Thursday, August 13, 2009

Of course this would only happen to me

Why does it seem you always run into someone you know when you're looking your worst? Okay so today it wasn't someone I know but probably worse. I have a bad habit of running my errands right after I get done at the gym. So if you can picture this I was in shorts (shorter shorts than I usually like to wear to the gym because lets be honest my legs are far from perfect). I had no make up on and was sweaty (because I am actually one those people who sweat when I work out). Not a pretty picture. I had this great idea to run to a local farmers market to pick up some veggies (because my garden absolutely SUCKED this year) before going home so I wouldn't have to run out later with both kids. I get in there and start bagging my veggies and a lady approaches me and tells me that she is with the Salt Lake Tribune and they are doing an article on this particular farmers market and asks me if it is okay if she takes some pictures of me while I am shopping. What am I supposed to say? Sorry I look like crap so no? Okay that's what I should have said but I'm to nice. I agreed and while I continued to shop and she continued taking pictures of me I was regretting my decision. The only thing running through my mind is "I hope she's far away enough that you can't see my cottage cheese" and many other similar thoughts.

As I was paying for my stuff I thought maybe people won't recognize me because she never asked me for my name. Yeah right. As I was walking out she stopped me and asked me my name and Bostons name. I'm just hoping nobody reads the papers anymore!!!


Kari said...

Oh man I'm totally laughing! So sorry it happened to you but it makes me feel better knowing these things don't just happen to me!!

I'll be sure to check out the Tribune for your debut!

Lara said...

Wow, you are so lucky! I wish I could be that lucky. I had to laugh because I can't believe that could happen. It is like when people show up at your house the day you get nothing done and it is a wreck, they never come on the days you work your butt off and it perfectly clean. I'm sorry that happened but it is really pretty funny.

Mommy Shar said...

;) can't wait to read it, thanks for the advance notice. I am sure you look amazing as always, you are way too hard on yourself.

Janea said...

Ha ha! That is EXACTLY how I would feel. Thanks for the laugh. P.S. I am sure it isn't as bad as you never is.

cristy :) said...

So, have they published your picture yet? I can't wait to see it. You look so good! You are waaayyyy to critical of your cute bod!

Ginamarie said...

Too Funny! Thanks for sharing your funny experience.