Friday, November 28, 2008

never before and never again

What was I thinking when I got up at 4:20 to hit walmart (ya I know I shop at walmart) on black Friday. That's just it, I wasn't thinking. I've been out shopping on black friday before and have been just fine; however, I have never been up and at the store when it opened on black friday.  Let's just say I will never do it again. I arrived at walmart at 4:45 15 minutes prior to when the sales were supposed to start.  I should have seen it as a sign when I pulled into the parking lot and the WHOLE parking lot was full, but no I continued on. So much for starting at 5:00. I walked into the store at 4:50 and people were already going hog wild over items. I have never seen so many crazies jam packed into one store at one time in my life.  It was quite the scene. The further I continued on into the store the more insane it became.  I'm surprised I ended up leaving the store (after standing in line for over an hour) with almost everything I had on my list. What an ordeal. Now I can say I have braved the early morning crowds on black friday, something I do not wish to repeat!!

1 comment:

Mollie said...

Something I don't think I will ever do! You are crazy!!! Aaron slept over at his brother's house, got up way too early and went shopping, and then slept the rest of the day away. CRAZY!