Saturday, December 22, 2007

Just one of those days

For those of you that did not hear about my lovely morning on Friday, I thought I would share. So Thursday night while watching the snow come down I decided that I wasn't going to let a little snow stop me from my morning ritual of attending the gym, so Friday morning I got up and got the kids ready and headed to the gym (I had a great workout may I add).  On the way home however is when the dreaded event unfolded. As a shortcut I cut through a neighborhood which has a tiny hill. On the way up the hill I noticed that another car had had difficulties getting up the hill so I popped the car into four wheel drive and decided to gun it a little so I wouldn't get stuck. Well just upon reaching the top if the hill I hit a piece of ice and totally lost control. Needless to say we headed straight for the curb and a tree....yup hit the tree and landed on the sidewalk. Can I say freaky?  It definitely was not the highlight of my day; however, I am grateful to report that we are all ok (except for the car won).  Definitely an experience I do not wish to relive again. 

1 comment:

Janea said...

Oh my gosh Emily! Am I glad you are okay and the car too. Man, that is so scary. Now the difference between me and you, that would be my excuse not to go to the gym anymore! :)