Saturday, June 7, 2008

For you pet owners!!!

I'm about ready to pull my hair out. There are a few things that get my blood boiling and one of those things is a dog that will not stop barking and to make it worse, a dog that will not stop barking when you are trying to take a nap. Can you tell I'm not a pet lover? We have neighbors that live behind us, whom we do not know, that have a dog. This probably wouldn't be much of a problem except our neighbors are like 5 feet from our back patio, thus making it feel like it was in our own backyard. GGGRRRRRR!! Shut up!!!! Any suggestions on how to shut up a barking dog? I used to be able to yell at the dog and it would be quiet for awhile. Today it just barks louder and harder when I yell at it. There has got to be some city ordinance about these annoying dogs. Anyone?


Mommy Shar said...

Not a pet fan and a huge dog hater so I am probably not the one to know. Just have to say sorry if it makes you feel better check out Sami's blog about her dog, it will make you happy that you don't own one. It could be worse!

Did you get my e-mail about next week?

Ginamarie said...

I am so sorry. I hate barking dogs too! I don't know if there are any ordinances...but there should be. I don't like the idea that another person gets a dog, and you have to be the one that deals with the annoying barking. Just one more of the many reasons that I do not have a dog!!!

Janea said...

I am a dog lover but, I do not like it when they bard constantly. I am sorry..especially when the kids are napping!

Kirstin said...

I hate pets, too. I figure all that time, money, and energy should go to a human. I feel for you. Sorry.

Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

Dude I hate other people's pets. I really do. I feel for ya, man. We've got a couple offenders one street down as well.

JennyO said...

Well, my sister had a barking dog, and after their neighbors called the cops on them a few times, they actually tried a shock collar, and when that didn't work, they got the dogs voice box removed (so they wouldn't get in trouble). So, I think there are some ordinaces, I just don't know the exact details of them.

Heidi and Judd said...

Emily you and I have way to much in common! I hate barking dogs! I speak from experence, I have turned my neigbhors in for barking dogs before. You can call animal control, and give them there address and tell them the problem, and they'll go give them a warning. If that doesn't work you can take them to court, I have family that did that before! We aren't the biggest animal lovers!

G said...


I hate humans. They drive big loud cars that produce gas that causes global warming. They want to drill for oil and pollute the environment. They have annoying kids that run wild in the streets. They make decisions that destroy countries. They act superior to all of God creations. They love you to your face and stab you in the back.

All kidding aside, I love dogs and have an awesome dog but I can’t stand when people let their dogs bark. I get aggravated really easily and if it was me I’d call animal control or the police. I call the police on my neighbor every other month (not for dog noise, for hot tub party, loud music noise). You could always toss some ‘special meat balls’ over the fence.

Unknown said...

we too are SO not pet lovers. in our old house we had neighbors where there dogs would bark ALL HOURS OF THE NiGHT! we ended up calling the police, along with a few other neighbors. or have you tried talking with your neighbors about this??

Oh that reminds me in our old house we also had a guy who lived in front of us who had a BAND OH MY IT wAS SOOOOOOOOO LOUD!! I am glad we are out of there, our new neighborhood is SO quiet!! LOVE IT!

good luck!!

Mollie said...

Got a BB Gun? Hahaha, just kidding. Fortunately, my dog doesn't bark, so I am not much help!

I would probably call the cops...unless your comfortable enough to confront your back door neighbors and tell them to do something about their dog.

Kari said...

You could always try leaving an annonymous note on the front door telling them that you appreciate animals but don't appreciate the incessant barking. I would try the note first and see if the homeowners do anything about it. They deserve a chance to correct the problem. If they don't, then you should call the cops/animal control. There are definitely noise ordinances in place and it's not fair to you or your fellow neighbors to put up with a barking dog.

This is why I keep my dog inside most of the time. She has a really loud bark and with a brick wall all around our yard, it amplifies her noisy bark and I'm sure our neighbors hate it!!! But yes, definitely do something about it - you don't have to put up with it. Gareth said, you could make some 'special meatballs' and throw them over the fence.... ;)