We keep our garbage under our kitchen sink and last night I pulled it out to take out the garbage. In the meantime Londynn found herself some new entertainment. A "car" as she calls it. Kids have such great imaginations. I love it!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Cheap Entertainment
We keep our garbage under our kitchen sink and last night I pulled it out to take out the garbage. In the meantime Londynn found herself some new entertainment. A "car" as she calls it. Kids have such great imaginations. I love it!!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Shopping Dilemma
Why is it that when you are on the hunt for something specific you can NEVER find it? Jared and I are off to Hawaii in about a month (I know you all feel sorry for me) and I am looking for a pair of denim shorts. I love the fact that the style right now everything is long; however, what is up with the skinny jeans and shorts (unless you are size 0 and have perfect legs, these stupid things don't work for you). I on the other hand inherited my moms lovely knock knees and cankles (sorry mom still love ya) and these skinny shorts that taper to your legs just don't work for me. I am looking for a pair that simply have a straight leg and hit me just below my hideous knees. Is that too much to ask for, obviously it is because I can't find these anywhere and believe me I've been everywhere! ARGGHH
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Waking a baby
I cannot think of anything more frustrating than putting down a baby for a nap only to have their older sister wake them up after only 40 minutes of sleep (when they normally would sleep 2-3 hours). He now thinks that nap time is over and is screaming bloody murder. That's what just recently happened at our house. I put both kids down for a nap at the same time. My sweet little Boston went right to sleep while his older sister continued to play in her bedroom (which is usually fine because she usually crawls back in bed after playing for awhile). Well today after 40 minutes of play she comes screaming to her locked door because somehow she managed to turn on her tickle me Ernie doll who is now laughing in her bed, which totally freaks her out. I ran to her room to quiet her down hoping to reach her before she wakes up Boston (there bedrooms are right next to each other), no such luck. I put her back in bed just in time to hear Boston start crying. You have got to be kidding me. ARRRGGGGHHH!!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter Weekend
Easter was so much fun this year with Londynn. She understood the whole easter egg hunt concept and loved every minute of it; however, she is very scared of the Easter Bunny, and I'm sure will be for a few years to come. Saturday morning we went to our neighborhood Easter Egg hunt (and of course I forgot the camera). It was so cold out that the hunt lasted maybe 5 minutes and we were headed back home for warmth. That afternoon we headed to Jared's sisters house for a yummy dinner and another Easter Egg hunt. Sunday we had lunch at my parents house and headed to the park for the afternoon.
Londynn was hiked up on sugar at Cristy's house and wouldn't hold still for two seconds for a picture. I think she's past the posing for a picture phase.
Londynn loves her uncle Mark. He's the uncle that will hang her upside down and spin her in circles making her dizzy. I'm all for family members wearing my children out. Needless to say she fell asleep moments after she was put in her car seat for the short drive home.
The dizzy race. Lodnynn would have done this all day if uncle Mark would have let her. We got a good laugh.
The dizzy race. Lodnynn would have done this all day if uncle Mark would have let her. We got a good laugh.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Bunco night!!
A couple months ago I decided to put together a Bunco club where us girls could get together and play a game that does not require thinking and just hang out...WITHOUT KIDS (what could be better than that?) Life is pretty boring these days that when we play, it is the highlight of my week. Thanks girls for a fabulous night of fun!!
winner, winner, winners!!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Check up
Boston had his 6 month check up the other night. My little weed is 18Ibs and 27" long. 75th percentile for his weight and 95th percentile for his height. The poor little guy had to have 5 shots, but because the nurse giving him the shots wasn't so great he basically had 6. She stuck him once and wasn't holding his legs tight enough and the needle came out so she had to poke him again. Poor thing. I wouldn't have been to happy either. Between fighting sickness and his shots he sure has been ornery ever since. He was so bad today that Jared came home from work to help me out. Bless his heart. Good thing he is starting to feel a little better because I wasn't sure how much more I could have taken. He sure has spoiled us by being such a mellow little guy that when he is ornery it sure makes things hard. Here are a few recent pictures of our little weed.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Children's Museum
Jared has been working a lot of overtime the last couple weeks and finally got a few days off. Today we decided to take Londynn to the Children's Museum for something "different" to do. When we first got there she wasn't quite sure what to think (probably confused from the normal "don't touch" to now you can touch everything), but after awhile she warmed up. Her favorite exhibit was the Sesame Street exhibit.
Londynn shopping
Elmo's world!
She definitely was not a fan of the nose (that blows air "or snot" on you when you stand under it and push a button). She screamed ever time I came close to it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, it is kinda scary looking.
Grovers dance floor. Londynn was to busy watching the kids around us to pose for a picture.
The nose doesn't seem to bother Boston.
Overall it was a fun outing. I've learned that my child is pretty sheltered. We are in a children's museum and my child is the only one crying over an exhibit. I guess we need to get out more and work on that one.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Got toilet paper?
So here it is Saturday night. Not much going on at the Stout home, hanging out watching the jazz game. At about 8:30 someone knocks on the door. We weren't expecting anyone so I made Jared go answer the door. He opens the door and there stands the missionaries that live across the street from us. Jared greets them and asks if they would like to come in, they decline and simply ask if they could have some toilet paper. LOL Are you kidding me? Jared laughs and says of course and goes and retrieves three rolls for them. Bless their hearts. Thanks for the great evening laugh elders!!!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Nap Time!
okay I am going to admit that I have been a lazy mom. Since Boston was born we have trained him (or I should say he trained himself) to take his afternoon naps in his swing. We have his routine down to a science and if followed correctly he would sleep for 3 hours in the afternoon. You are probably wondering what the problem is then. Well I figured that he isn't always going to be little and fit in the swing and eventually would need to learn how to nap in his crib. I've been contemplating on making this transition for a while now and finally decided to start this change yesterday, knowing well in advance that I would have to sit through the screams until he figured out how to fall asleep on his own in his crib. Well much to my surprise today was day number 2 at this transition and not one cry from his crib. I put Boston and Londynn both down for naps today at 1:00 and Boston slept until 4:00 and Londynn is still sleeping as we speak. What more could a mom ask for? Love it!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
My little boy is 6 months old today. Where does the time go? I took the kids to get their pictures done today. I always forget what a chore that is. Good thing my mom was willing to come and help me out. I don't think I could have done that by myself. Thanks mom! I was trying to remember what milestones Londynn had made by the time she was six months. The big one that stands out was she was sitting up on her own at this age. He's not quite there yet, but honestly I'm not in any hurry to have my baby grow up. He has however, learned how to growl and loves sucking on his hands. We have quite the talented boy on our hands...he can put his whole fist in his mouth. Don't you wish you could do that, lol? He is still a great sleeper and is very entertained by his older sister.
Last night we had my sister and her husband over. Because there was to much going on Boston decided that he didn't want his evening cat nap, by 7:30 there was no keeping him awake. Jared sometimes thinks he has a case of narcolepsy. When he gets to a certain point he'll fall asleep in any position. He had us laughing out loud! Below are a couple pictures and a short video. We sure love our little boy!!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Good ol' Cinderella
About a month ago Londynn came home from the gym humming the tune to Cinderella (I don't know the real name of it). It took a while for the words to come back to me but before I knew it she was requesting this song over and over. I remember singing this song while playing jump rope when I was a little girl and I guess that's what they were playing at the gym.
Cinderella dressed in yella take 1.
Cinderella dressed in yella take 2.
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