Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Waking a baby

I cannot think of anything more frustrating than putting down a baby for a nap only to have their older sister wake them up after only 40 minutes of sleep (when they normally would sleep 2-3 hours). He now thinks that nap time is over and is screaming bloody murder. That's what just recently happened at our house.  I put both kids down for a nap at the same time. My sweet little Boston went right to sleep while his older sister continued to play in her bedroom (which is usually fine because she usually crawls back in bed after playing for awhile).  Well today after 40 minutes of play she comes screaming to her locked door because somehow she managed to turn on her tickle me Ernie doll who is now laughing in her bed, which totally freaks her out. I ran to her room to quiet her down hoping to reach her before she wakes up Boston (there bedrooms are right next to each other), no such luck. I put her back in bed just in time to hear Boston start crying. You have got to be kidding me. ARRRGGGGHHH!!!


Heidi Totten said...

It's even more fun when that happens at 2am! Sorry! I hope Boston goes back to sleep!

Janea said...

Just remember that any time after 6pm, it is not considered child abuse to put them to bed. So, early bed time it is. (my mom used to say that so don't quote me on law :) )

Mollie said...

Oh I so feel your pain! I called a friend looking for duct tape today! But, it's my baby who usually does the waking! Hopefully you get a little quiet time tonight...after they do to bed:o)

Nae said...

Ohhh, sorry! Been there! Oh the lovely parts of our days huh! Hope it went better later on.

Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

Amen, sista! This is where I picked up my horrible habit of swearing. I am serious.