Friday, February 22, 2008

Daddy looks like Santa Clause

Wow, life is definitely boring at the Stout home these days (which I guess is okay). However, this means that there really isn't anything worth blogging about. However, I thought I would share that Londynn now thinks daddy looks like Santa Clause. Last week Jared went into work late one day and while I was in the kitchen Londynn comes bawling to me like her feelings had just been hurt. I noticed that she had a little bit of shaving cream on her nose so I thought maybe Jared had flicked some on her and she didn't like it. When I asked her what was wrong she just replied "santa clause". Obviously the poor child is still scarred from Christmas. I asked her if dad looked like Santa and she said yes. Well a week later she still has not forgotten about that morning. Everyday she will remind me that daddy looks like Santa Clause. 


Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

Oh! How funny (and sad for Londynn). Did she have some trauma sitting on santa's lap last year?

Mommy Shar said...

Now that's funny!!

Kari said...

What a sweet little girl you have!! Loved the story and loved getting your comment on my blog!! It's always fun to see what neighbors are up to! I'll have to keep checking back for more cute stories.

Mollie said...

Poor child! I hope she gets over it...or next Christmas isn't going to be very fun:o(

This past Christmas, Hunter and I were at the grocery store and saw a big blow-up Santa Clause, he started crying, "He's going to eat me!" It was pretty darn funny:o)

Janea said...

Oh, that is pretty funny. Luckily Kylie likes Santa in pictures, just not in real life. Hopefully Londynn still likes her daddy.

Unknown said...

that is funny, I too hope she doesn't get too scared from santa next year!! :)